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Il Volo Immobiliare

Il Volo Immobiliare 

Il Volo Immobiliare - Estate- Real Estate Agency
Registered office: Italy, Rome, Via di Monteverde 49c, 00151
P. Iva: 15509441000

Works on facades not always 90%

2020-01-02 07:40

Centro Studi Il Volo

Imposte e tassazione, Detrazioni lavori 2020, bonus facciate,

Works on facades not always 90%

Put black on white in the Budget Bill. Then retouched in the parliamentary discussion on the maneuver. The 90% bonus for "restoration or restoration of the exte


Put black on white in the Budget Bill. Then retouched in theparliamentary discussion on the maneuver. The 90% bonus for the "recoveryor restoration of the external facade of the buildings" is part of aframework of deductions on the work in the house which is already very rich.   With the result that in 2020,for the works on the facades of buildings there will be a cross of taxdiscounts: based on the type of intervention and property (condominium orsingle dwelling), the area in which the building is located and the objectivesof energy saving. Thus a sort of"catalog" of the interventions is created, each of which can benefitfrom one or more tax bonuses. Among which the owners are called, from time totime, to choose the most suitable (...).   The new discount marks ahistoric record among building bonuses: it is equal to 90% of the expenses paidnext year for facade work, even if only for cleaning and painting. But it hasseveral caveats: it is valid only in the "homogeneous zones" A and B(ie the most inhabited ones) and for the "opaque structures" of thebuildings, including balconies, friezes and ornaments.   For example, the facade bonuscannot be used to repair or replace the eaves of the building, but the 50%deduction on the renovations, which the maneuver to vote in the Senate todayintends to extend for 2020.   More complicated is the caseof the renovation of the facade. If the intervention influences from thethermal point of view or in any case if it involves more than 10% of the totaldispersing surface of the building, to get the 90% bonus you must alsothermally insulate the wall. At that point, however, inthe condominium it may be worth considering the alternative of the eco-bonus.That is worth less (65 or 70% based on the level of insulation), but can besold, thus reducing the outlay for the owners.