For 2020, some important house bonuses have been extended: from the benefit for renovations, to the one for energy saving interventions. Then comes the new deduction relating to construction works aimed at the recovery or restoration of the facade of the buildings. Let’s see what are the innovations introduced with the economic maneuver.
2020 renovation bonus
The renovation bonus has been extended until 31 December 2020. The benefit for the restoration of the building stock consists of the deduction of 50% of the expenses incurred, with a maximum limit of 96,000 euros for each real estate unit. All taxpayers subject to personal income tax (Irpef), residing or not in the territory of the State, can take advantage of the deduction. The concession is due not only to the owners of the properties, but also to the holders of real / personal rights of enjoyment on the properties subject to the interventions and who bear the related costs: owners or naked owners; holders of a real right of enjoyment (usufruct, use, housing or surface); tenants or borrowers; members of divided and undivided cooperatives; individual entrepreneurs, for properties not included in capital goods or goods; subjects indicated in article 5 of the Tuir, which produce income in associated form (simple companies, in a collective name, in limited partnership and subjects related to them, family businesses), under the same conditions as for individual entrepreneurs. They also have the right to deduct, provided they bear the costs and are the holders of bank transfers and invoices: the family member of the owner or holder of the property subject to the intervention (the spouse, relatives within the third degree and the like within the second degree ); the separate spouse assigned the property to the other spouse; the member of the civil union (the law n.76 / 2016, to guarantee the protection of the rights deriving from civil unions between people of the same sex, equates the legal bond deriving from marriage with that produced by civil unions); the cohabiting partner more uxorio, who does not own the property subject to the interventions or holds a loan contract, for the expenses incurred starting from 1 January 2016.
Ecobonus 2020
The eco-bonus was extended until December 31, 2020. The benefit consists of the deductions for energy saving interventions with different rates depending on the type of work carried out. The 50% deduction is foreseen for this type of intervention: solar shading; biomass boilers; interventions relating to the replacement of windows and fixtures; condensing boilers (if in class A; the deduction rises to 65% if they are equipped with advanced thermoregulation systems belonging to classes V, VI or VII). The 65% deduction is foreseen for this type of intervention: insulation of the opaque envelope; heat pumps; building automation systems; solar collectors for hot water production; heat pump water heater; hybrid generators. The deduction of 70 or 75% is foreseen for condominium-type interventions, for expenses incurred from 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2021 with a spending limit of 40 thousand euros multiplied by the number of real estate units that make up the building. The deduction rises to 80% in the case of energy saving measures carried out on buildings which also imply a reduction in seismic risk.
Mobile bonuses 2020
The furniture and household appliances bonus has been extended until December 31, 2020. The benefit consists in the 50% deduction for the purchase of class A + furniture and appliances (A for ovens). Purchases must be aimed at furnishing a property undergoing renovation works. Consequently, to obtain the concession it is essential to carry out a building renovation (and take advantage of the relative deduction), both on individual residential real estate units and on common parts of buildings, always residential. To obtain the deduction, you must indicate the expenses incurred in the tax return (model 730 or model Personal income tax).
Green bonus 2020
The green bonus has been extended with the Milleproroghe. The benefit consists in the tax deduction of 36% for the expenses incurred for the landscaping works of the existing buildings, including roofs and roof gardens.
Bonus facades 2020
The façade bonus was instead introduced by the Budget law 2020. The benefit consists of a tax deduction for the documented expenses, incurred in the year 2020, relating to building interventions, including ordinary maintenance, aimed at the recovery or restoration of the façade of buildings.