In 2020, the market should seesales and prices with a positive sign in the residential segment, according to"Il Sole 24 ore". But we go back to investing above all to makeincome. The ingredients that make the future of the Italian real estate marketless bitter, especially by encouraging savers, in the absence of otherconvenient investment opportunities, are: excellent on the market after tenyears of falling prices, interest rates at historic lows on mortgages, andmoderate confidence in the future of the economy, although there is still noreal recovery.In fact, private individuals areencouraged to move house due to the low cost of money and are attracted toinvest in the brick from the success of short rents, but also from the factthat today there are no valid profitable alternatives to use their capital. At a residential level, accordingto various sources, 2019 still closed below 600 thousand transactions (590thousand to be precise), but the 600 thousand quota is expected to be exceededby 2020, a year that should also see prices return to more stable growth of theresidential.The forecasts seem to indicate,for each year, starting from 2020 an average growth of between + 1% and + 3% ». In Milan and Rome the value ofreal estate, with great advantage of the former over the latter, will startgrowing again proportionally with the growth in housing demand. As for the major Italiancapitals, the situation will be dictated by individual peculiarities. In fact,it will continue to lose value if not in those areas with uniquecharacteristics, such as the Amalfi Coast or the Umbrian and Tuscancountryside. In fact, with 90% of properties dated beyond 30 years, the onlyway to increase their quality and consequently the value in other areas will beto redevelop. Source: "Il Sole 14 ore"